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España / Alicante
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Personalized Internet Ads Assessor Spain (German Language)

  • 1 €
Información general

Publicado ellunes, 27 de agosto

Alicante (Alicante)




Contactar con este anunciante

Este campo es obligatorio

Este campo es obligatorio

Este campo es obligatorio

Información útil
  • Evita el fraude quedando con la gente en persona y en lugares públicos.
  • No te fíes si te piden pago por adelantado.
  • No vendas o compres fuera de tu país, si no tienes experiéncia previa.

What does the job involve?
In this job you will be reviewing online advertisements in order to improve their content, quality and layout. You will be required to provide feedback and analysis on advertisements found in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Another aspect of this role will involve reviewing the language used in advertisements by examining grammar, tone and cultural relevance.
Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution to the quality of online advertisements in Germany.

Who is suitable for this job?
We are looking for dynamic people who have strong communication skills and use the Internet daily. You should also be flexible, reliable and have the ability to interpret and follow established guidelines.
You will need to have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. Hours for this role are up to 20 hours per week depending on task availability.
Please apply to:
Busquedas relevantes: internet

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