Anuncios gratis
España / Barcelona
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Spanish Online Task Contributor- Spain

  • 0 €
Información general

Publicado eldomingo, 02 de agosto

Barcelona (Barcelona)




Contactar con este anunciante

Este campo es obligatorio

Este campo es obligatorio

Este campo es obligatorio

Información útil
  • Evita el fraude quedando con la gente en persona y en lugares públicos.
  • No te fíes si te piden pago por adelantado.
  • No vendas o compres fuera de tu país, si no tienes experiéncia previa.

As an Online Task Contributor your ultimate goal will be to contribute towards evaluating websites and products over time and making internet search more exciting, relevant and interesting for all end users in Spain. In this job you will be accessing tasks from your laptop or desktop PC at home, you will be evaluating online search results in order to improve their content and quality. You will be required to provide feedback on content found in new products and search engine results. You will play a part in improving the quality of one of the largest search engines in the world using both your laptop/desktop PC and Android or iPhone mobile device.

For further details and in order to apply, please visit link below:

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